
拉曼人类营养在加拿大米拉贝尔拥有 Harmonium 1和Harmonium 2 两座工厂,位于蒙特利尔以北,车程仅需30分钟。

至2020 年,拉曼斥巨资在加拿大米拉贝尔(Mirabel) 建成一座占地11,000平方米的全新工厂。这座工厂配备了最先进的益生菌生产设备和最新的生产技术,扩大了益生菌的生产能力。Harmonium 2 工厂严格遵循益生菌膳食补充剂生产的最高质量标准和GMP生产准则。



  • Harmonium由 Marcel Dubois 先生和 Francine Mondou 博士于 1998 年创立。
  • 2011 年,拉曼收购 Harmonium
  • 2020 年,拉曼人类营养将从零开始,全新打造了 Harmonium 2 工厂

Key facts

  • 年产量超过 3.65 亿粒
  • 拥有260 多名员工
  • 工厂占地面积11,000 平方米
  • 积极拥抱工业 4.0 的数字化转型


Lallemand Health Solutions inaugurated its ultra-modern probiotic bacteria production plant, Harmonium II, with elected officials from the Mirabel region, Ms. Sylvie D’Amours, as well as Mr. Mario Cadieux representing Mr. MP Jean-Denis Garon, Mrs. Marie-Ève ​​Labranche, Director, Public and Governmental Affairs, Manufacturers and Exporters of Quebec, the local media, the Chagnon family, owner of the Lallemand group, its administrators as well as many local employees and from all over the world. Read more

Harmonium 2 probiotic bacteria plant inauguration day

On Thursday, June 16, 2022, we officially inaugurated our ultra-modern probiotic bacteria production plant, Harmonium II, in Mirabel. Here is a sneak peak of the event.

How probiotic supplements are produced

Discover the manufacturing process of probiotics in 9 steps