我们为婴儿专有配方提供其他健康成分做辅配,如维生素 D、及包括母乳低聚糖 (HMO)、低聚果糖(FOS) 和菊粉等益生元。我们的专有解决方案,如 Probiokid®、Lacidofil®、Lafti® B94,在婴幼儿中进行了 30 多项临床研究,以安全有效的支持其肠道健康和天然免疫。此外,我们还提供儿科医生特别推荐的其他相关菌株,如鼠李糖乳酪杆菌 GG、布拉迪酵母益生菌S. boulardii, 罗伊氏粘液乳杆菌Rosell®-444,以满足不同需求。拉曼人类营养的专业团队还专门开发了适合婴幼儿的剂型,如滴剂以及配以天然可口口味的可溶性粉剂。
长双歧杆菌婴儿亚种 Rosell®-33 和两歧双歧杆菌 Rosell®-71
长双歧杆菌婴儿亚种Rosell®-33 和两歧双歧杆菌 Rosell®-71 成功获得行业内前所未有的加拿大健康声称,证实这些益生菌菌株有助于配方奶喂养的婴儿形成与母乳喂养婴儿相似的微生物菌群:
- 有助于维持婴儿体内特有的的微生物菌群(适用于配方奶粉喂养的婴儿)。
- 有助于平衡配方奶粉喂养婴儿的微生物菌群,发展出与母乳喂养婴儿相似的微生物菌群。
- 作为全球最畅销的儿童益生菌配方, Probiokid® 因其最新的研究综述“多菌株益生菌配方对儿科人群的功效:临床研究的全面综述”备受瞩目,该科学综述发表于《Nutrients》期刊。
动物双歧杆菌乳亚种 Lafti® B94:
- 动物双歧杆菌乳亚种Lafti® B94 获得美国食品药品监督管理局的公认安全(GRAS)认证,证明了其在婴儿配方奶粉中的安全性。
The Brazilian Health Authorities, ANVISA[1] approved Probiokid® for use in infants and children (from 3-to-36-month-old), reinforcing Lallemand Health Solutions privileged position in the country.
“We are beyond proud! Our product, supported by decades of scientific, marketing and regulatory accomplishments, has achieved the almost impossible nowadays: getting an approval in Brazil! It is the first one this year,” begins Solange Henoud, Vice-President Regulatory and Compliance at Lallemand Health Solutions. “It’s been a while since anyone from the industry has made it this far, but with a documented product such as Probiokid®, with its extensive marketing journey and various regulatory acknowledgements across the globe for infants and children, we felt confident. We hope this approval paves the way for further probiotic approvals to unfold, for the greater benefit of the Brazilian population.” Tells Mrs. Henoud. Read more