

肠道健康,一切健康的起点!胃肠道健康仍然是当今消费者选择购买益生菌的首要原因,也是益生菌临床验证的关键领域。拉曼人类营养拥有多达150 篇的发表文献,包括预临床和临床研究,充分验证了其菌株和配方在维护肠道健康、促进整体健康方面的积极功效。我们的益生菌和酵母解决方案,针对微生物菌群的平衡、偶发性腹泻、偶发性便秘等问题具有显著功效,并支持特定人群的肠道健康,如出生第一年的婴儿和患有严重肠道疾病的成年人。

其中,益生菌配方 Lacidofil® 专门针对 儿童、成人和孕妇的肠道健康进行了 26 项临床研究。动物双歧杆菌乳亚种 Lafti® B94,作为从40多株双歧杆菌菌株中精心挑选出的单一菌株,能够与益生元产生良好的协同作用,其在婴儿和儿童肠道舒适度方面的功效已得到验证。 酵母益生菌S. boulardii,也可作有机成分,是全球拥有最多文献验证的益生菌,其针对儿童和成人的临床研究超过 100项。IBacilluS+ ,这一强效细菌菌株组合,具备强大的背书支持,在120多项针对患有严重肠道疾病的成人的临床研究中,证实IBacilluS+能最大限度地减少复发症状,并提高生活质量。



  • 最新研究指出,Lacidofil® 作为标准疗法的辅助治疗手段,是根除幽门螺杆菌的有效方法。

动物双歧杆菌乳亚种Lafti® B94:

  • 新的综合综述再次肯定了益生菌菌株动物双歧杆菌乳亚种Lafti® B94的显著功效,无论是单独使用还是与益生元结合,都能有效促进婴儿和儿童肠道健康。同时,该综述强调了益生菌菌株Lafti®B94强大的安全特性和科学价值,同时提供了大量科学数据,充分证实其促进儿童健康发育的功效。

S. boulardii:

  • 拉曼独家推出第一款独特的有机布拉迪酵母益生菌。这一经典益生菌的创新定位为追求理性选择的消费者提供了全新的健康选择。


  • IBacilluS+是枯草芽孢杆菌 R0179 和屎肠球菌 R0026 的菌株组合。一篇新发表的综述表明,IBacilluS+可作为传统肠易激综合征 (IBS) 疗法的有效辅助治疗手段。

副干酪乳酪杆菌 HA-196:

益生菌菌株副干酪乳酪杆菌HA-196已获加拿大卫生部批准,认证其有助于支持有肠易激综合征症状的成年人维持健康的排便习惯,每日服用剂量为100亿 CFU。


Lallemand Health Solutions is launching the first and unique organic version of probiotic yeast Saccharomyces boulardii to mark the hundredth anniversary of its discovery. This innovative positioning for S. boulardii creates new opportunities for consumers looking to make conscious buying choices. Read more
Lallemand Health Solutions has gained new indication for its probiotic strain L. paracasei HA-196 from Health Canada recognizing its beneficial effects to help support healthy bowel habits in adults with irritable bowel symptoms (IBS), at a daily dose 10B CFU. Read more
Partnership between the leading prebiotics and probiotics companies is in response to growing consumer demand for clinically proven solutions and positive interaction between the companies’ ingredients. Read more

Gut health represents the first area of clinical evidence
for probiotics, and the role of probiotics to support a healthy and balanced gut microflora is well
documented. When looking at the probiotic products on the market, nearly two-thirds are positioned
to support gut health and promote digestion; research in this area is still very active and shows no
signs of slowing down. Read more

As business and leisure travels have resumed, although within the circumstances of the ‘new reality’, are you well prepared to deal with the concerns of the ‘old reality’? If you are traveling abroad and have three or more unformed stools in a 24-hour period accompanied with abdominal discomfort, with an urgent impulse to visit the bathroom rather than visiting some ancient monuments, chances are you have got traveler’s diarrhea. While this condition is usually self-resolving and doesn’t generally last more then a few days, it is likely to make your trip a little less enjoyable. Luckily, there are ways to prepare your microbiome for these changes beforehand and to fast forward things back to normal. Read more
The answer is yes. If you are the one in ten people living with IBS worldwide, you don’t have to put up with it anymore. There is hope. Probiotics are a well-recognized, natural alternative to support this widespread health condition. Read more

拉曼酵母益生菌 S. BOULARDII
