


拉曼支持代谢健康的益生菌解决方案包括鼠李糖乳酪杆菌 HA-114,该菌株是基于之前的预临床研究筛选而出,研究显示它能够减少秀丽隐杆线虫模型中的脂肪堆积,在另外两项小鼠模型的预临床研究中也展现出其潜在的精神益生菌作用。随后,该益生菌菌株在最近的一项双盲临床试验中得到验证,实验涉及152 名正在通过控制饮食减重的超重健康成年人,研究结果显示,益生菌组的参与者在以下多个方面均取得了显著改善,包括心理健康、饮食行为和对食物的渴望(饥饿、暴饮暴食、无法控制饮食),同时他们的新陈代谢状况也得到明显改善,如胰岛素水平、胰岛素抵抗、低密度脂蛋白(LDL)胆固醇和甘油三酯水平等指标均有所优化。鼠李糖乳酪杆菌 HA-114 通过脑-肠轴的调节,有效恢复菌群平衡,进而改善饮食行为,为体重管理提供了有力支持,从而促进对饮食控制的坚持。


鼠李糖乳酪杆菌 HA-114 

鼠李糖乳酪杆菌 HA-114 获得了以下加拿大健康声称,成为竞争非常激烈的体重管理类别中首个获得此类声称的益生菌菌株:

  • 有助于帮助正在执行体重管理计划的人控制饮食。
  • 对于正在执行体重管理计划的人来说,该益生菌可以作为健康生活方式的补充,这种生活方式包括减少热量饮食和定期的体育锻炼。


Lallemand Health Solutions has gained innovative indications for its probiotic strain L. rhamnosus HA-114 from Health Canada, recognizing its beneficial impact to support people’s efforts when engaged in a weight management program, at a daily dose of 10B CFU. Read more
Alex Parker and members of his laboratory at the CHUM Research Centre (CRCHUM) have been awarded a three-year $1.6 million grant from the Weston Family Foundation as part of the Brain Health: 2021 – Lifestyle Approaches and Microbiome Contributions program. Read more
Lallemand Health Solutions had the privilege to interview an international authority in the field of obesity, ANGELO TREMBLAY, Ph.D. in Physiology, Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at the Faculty of Social and Preventive Medicine of Laval University in Canada, holder of the Canada Research Chair in Environment and Energy Balance, author of several hundred publications and renowned speaker. Read more
Lallemand Health Solutions’ rising star L. rhamnosus HA-114 revealed to improve eating and mood-related behaviors in overweight adults who were undergoing diet-induced weight loss in a new breakthrough study. Read more
Do you consider yourself a metabolically healthy person? How would you tell if you are healthy or not? Is it the numbers on the scale, on your blood pressure or blood test? Is it if you can run up several flights of stairs without stopping to catch your breath? The World Health Organization’s defines health as a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being […]”. Research has shown that if you integrate habits such as maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, keeping a healthy body weight, not drinking too much alcohol, and not smoking, these can be key to feeling happy and healthy. Read more 

My name is Camille Binachon, biotechnologies engineer, market data analyst and product manager for the metabolic health portfolio, a complex and fascinating area where probiotics continue to surprise us! What I realized in the past years is consumers’ growing awareness of the biomechanisms
that keep their bodies running smoothly. As such, health and wellness have taken on a permanent, full-time role in the lives of global consumers. And it’s not just my point of view; according to Google Trends, health and wellness is no longer a seasonal trend, peaking in January and tapering off as the year unfolds. It’s a yearlong, lifelong goal. Read more 

According to the World Obesity Federation, it is estimated that 800 million people around the world are living with obesity. How can probiotics bring innovation in weight management? Read more 
Have you ever wondered why eating is more often driven by the little voice in your brain, or the anticipation of how good the food will taste in your mouth, rather than by the loud rumblings of your empty stomach? Since when did emotional eating became more important than the physical need of eating? The only answer to why we should eat is because we are hungry, but it is not that simple. Read more 
The liver is an essential organ involved in more than 300 vital functions, the main ones being the absorption, storage and transformation of nutrients, the detoxification of toxic substances and the production of bile acids. But did you know that there is a crosstalk between the gut and the liver? Read more

