

预防性日常皮肤护理与关注皮肤变化是维护整体健康的有效方法。如今越来越多的消费者开始关注自己的皮肤、头发和指甲的外观,因为这些往往是他们生活方式、整体健康状况和身体内部状况的反映。经过大量的临床研究,肠道微生物菌群与皮肤健康之间的紧密联系已得到证实,特别是肠-脑-皮肤轴的重要作用。益生菌的特性和作用模式已成为护肤品领域的首选解决方案。我们最近的研究验证了 Cerebiome® 对年轻成年女性的压力和皮肤健康的影响。在一项为期 8 周的临床试验中,我们对这种整体皮肤健康方法进行了测试,结果显示,口服补充 Cerebiome® 仅四周就显著降低了受试者的压力感知水平,明显改善了睡眠质量,改善了皮肤水分、皱纹和细纹、肤色、皮肤紧致度和弹性等皮肤状况。

我们研发的皮肤健康配方,拥有 “有助于改善皮肤紧致度和细腻度 “或 “有助于皮肤外观的保养 “等美容功效声称。这些专门为皮肤健康而精选的特定菌株,可与其他功效成分做辅配,为消费者提供多样化的皮肤健康解决方案。


My name is Elodie Aragon, and I specialize in bioengineering and in health and biotechnology management. I am a product manager at Lallemand Health Solutions and am responsible for the women’s health and nutricosmetics portfolio. My focus is on the development of probiotic formulations, and sourcing of innovative ingredients to promote holistic health. Read more
Over 80% of pre-teens and teens reported skin imperfections.  Acne vulgaris is amongst most common skin imperfection in adolescence, and is caused by the clogged sebaceous gland, which produces an oily substance called sebum. An overproduction of sebum normal during puberty can lead to clogged pores. Fluctuating hormone levels and physical changes, inevitable during adolescence, are the main culprit behind teenage acne, but many other internal and external environmental factors may contribute to the prevalence of acne, including genetics, hygiene, stress, and diet. Given that we cannot act on the genetic factors, we must try and use the opportunity to improve our skin health by managing stress and opting for the right diet. Read more 
Acting as a protective membrane containing the internal organs, the skin is the largest and a crucial organ of the human body. It plays many vital roles such as protection of muscles, bones, and internal organs from the external environment and opportunistic microorganisms. It also provides sensation, detects pain, distinguishes hot from cold and regulates the body temperature by sweating. Skin acts as a resistant barrier so essential nutrients are not washed out of the body. It stores lipid and water and helps with the synthesis of vitamin D. Just like the heart, brain and gut, this large organ commands significant attention. Beside from protecting it from the sun, washing, scrubbing, moisturizing it, how well are you taking care of your skin? The skin is such an important organ it is no wonder it needs to be taken care of, for reasons far beyond appearance.  Did you know that probiotics are now on the radar for their skin health applications? Read more