


拉曼益生菌植物乳植杆菌 Rosella1 ,这款方便口服的益生菌,已经通过六项临床研究的验证,其中两项为口服摄入,受试女性超过800名,研究结果表明植物乳植杆菌 Rosella有助于维护女性私密健康。值得一提的是,ROSELLA 是一株分离自健康女性阴道菌群的独特菌株,充分的科学机理和临床研究证明该菌株具有多重功效。通过口服,ROSELLA能有效帮助维持适当的阴道菌群平衡,也可用于复发性霉菌性阴道病。我们还有专门为孕妇提供了经过充分验证的解决方案,如 Lacidofil® 和最新推出的 PrenatisTM ,这些产品不仅滋养着母亲,更呵护着新生命从孕育到诞生的每一个状态。


植物乳植杆菌 Rosella

  • 植物乳植杆菌Rosella 获得加拿大卫生部批准的特定健康声称,认可其有助于维护健康的阴道微生物菌群。


Lallemand Health Solutions’ convenient orally administered probiotic shown to support women’s intimate health, L. plantarum ROSELLA[1], has gained new indications from Health Canada, recognizing its capacity to help support a healthy vaginal microbiome. Read more

Lallemand Health Solutions will officially launch ROSELLA, its new highly documented licensed strain for Women’s intimate health at Vitafoods Europe Virtual Expo on September 7 2020.

L. plantarum P17630 (Proge P17630®), ROSELLA, licensed from PROGE FARM®, Italy, is a unique strain isolated from a healthy vaginal flora with full mechanistic and clinical evidence of efficacy on a wide spectrum of benefits, to help maintain proper vaginal balance by oral intake. This probiotic strain is one of the most documented in the world in the women’s health area, as it has been studied in over 800 women, in six clinical studies, including two by oral intake. This strain also demonstrated vaginal colonization and persistence following oral intake (validated efficacy dose: 5B CFU/day), restored flora diversity associated with a healthy vaginal flora and normalized pH level. Read more

Lallemand Health Solutions and Proge Farm® are proud to announce that they have just closed a major licensing deal for the commercialization by Lallemand Health Solutions of Proge Farm®’s established probiotic strain L. plantarum P17630 (Proge P17630®), which has specific women health benefits. Read more
My name is Elodie Aragon, and I specialize in bioengineering and in health and biotechnology management. I am a product manager at Lallemand Health Solutions and am responsible for the women’s health and nutricosmetics portfolio. My focus is on the development of probiotic formulations, and sourcing of innovative ingredients to promote holistic health. Read more
To mark International Women’s Day, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the many women-specific health challenges women must face during their lifespan. The short- and long-term fluctuating levels of ovarian hormones composed of estrogen and progesterone, during the menstrual cycle is one of the main parameters impacting women’s general health from puberty to menopause. Whether they are looking to improve age-specific health, everyday health, or intimate health women can count on dedicated probiotics just for her. Read more
Marketing that catches women’s attention is the way to go. Not only women have their own intimate health conditions that can be addressed with probiotics, but they also want to find gut, mental or immune health product tailor-made for them. Read more
Worldwide, recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis affects about 138 million women annually, and three out of four women will have an imbalance with a Candida albicans prominent microflora at some point in their life. However, unlike the majority of things in our lives that are beyond our control, the prevention and support of vaginal health is not one of them. Read more

1- L. plantarum Rosella is L. plantarum P17630 (Proge P17630®), licensed from Progefarm®, Italy.