

情绪健康受肠道与大脑之间联系的影响,如今在多个国家受到广泛关注,成为益生菌应用的主流应用趋势。肠道和大脑之间的沟通是双向的,尤其在压力加剧时表现得更为明显。心理压力可以影响肠胃健康,反之亦然。近年来,微生物群被认为是这一关系中的关键角色,并出现了微生物群-肠-脑轴的概念,并且微生物群-肠-脑轴在调节压力相关反应方面的研究越来越多。拉曼人类营养是精神益生菌领域的先驱。自 1929 年以来,我们一直致力于研发针对情绪健康的益生菌解决方案。通过脑肠轴进行压力管理的新机遇不断涌现,例如利用情绪益生菌 Cerebiome®(瑞士乳杆菌 Rosell®-52 和长双歧杆菌长亚种 Rosell®-175的专有组合)。

Cerebiome® 作为一款开创性的情绪益生菌 ,凭借前沿的科学依据和15年的安全使用历史,成为业内先锋。Cerebiome®作为研究最充分且科学证实有效的情绪益生菌,能够以有效支持支持个体对日常偶发压力做出健康反应。早在 2008 年,研究就表明Cerebiome® 能显著减少健康人因心理压力而引起的肠道紊乱。2010年,一项开创性的临床研究文献发表,研究结果表明,在严格的金标准临床研究中,Cerebiome®显著降低了处于压力状态但身体健康的志愿者的心理压力及其症状,如愤怒和敌对情绪[Messaoudi,2010]。为肠脑轴领域带来了重大突破,并经常作为重要文献被引用。Cerebiome®是拉曼Expert’Biotic系列的重要产品,该系列还包括其他针对脑肠轴的创新益生菌解决方案。Lacidofil® 配方可以保护个体免受早期生活压力和代际压力所带来的负面影响,Rosell®-71则有助于学生应对学习压力。



  • 拉曼人类营养在巴西的商业合作伙伴 Apsen Farmaceutica 发布了一项新的研究结果,证实 Cerebiome® 对轻度焦虑症患者肠道微生物菌群有积极影响。
  • 一项新的事后分析证实,Cerebiome®能显著提高脑源性神经营养因子血清水平,这与之前在预临床模型中的观察结果一致。这些新的研究成果让我们对Cerebiome®在肠脑轴上的潜在作用模式有了更深入的了解,特别是在抑郁症患者群体中。


  • 最新研究结果表明,Lacidofil®能保护个体免受早期生活压力的影响,这种压力会可能增加成年后出现焦虑症状的风险。在一项新的体内研究中,早期摄入Lacidofil®能够有效预防早期生活压力对啮齿类动物产生的不良影响。这是第七项证明这种特定益生菌配方在早期生活压力中表现出各种积极效果的研究。


As a co-founding partner, Lallemand Health Solutions proudly presents the fourth edition of the Mind, Mood & Microbes International conference on Microbiome-Gut-Brain axis, which will take place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on 10-11 May 2023. The event will gather an unmatched line-up of leading scientists, healthcare professionals, and industry partners from complementary fields to share new developments and findings about micro-organisms impact on the brain-gut axis and mental wellness. Read more
Apsen Farmaceutica, Lallemand Health Solutions’ commercial partner in Brazil, is publishing new positive results on the influence of Cerebiome® on the gut microbiota of individuals with mild anxiety. Read more
Frost & Sullivan has identified Cerebiome® by Lallemand Health Solutions as the world’s most proven psychobiotic, a major differentiator compared to competitors in the probiotics for mental health space. Lallemand Health Solutions has earned Frost & Sullivan’s 2021 Product Leadership Award in the European psychobiotics industry, recognizing Cerebiome®’s ability to deliver the best quality, reliability, overall performance, and strong market positioning. Read more
Infantile stress predisposes individuals to higher anxiety in adulthood. In a new in vivo study, early intake of Lacidofil® (Lallemand Health Solutions proprietary combination of L. rhamnosus Rosell®11 and L. helveticus Rosell®-52) prevented early-life stress consequences in rodents. This is the seventh study documenting various positive effects of this specific probiotic formula in early-life stress. Read more

On World Mental Health Day, we jump on the bandwagon to raise awareness about mental well-being around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health care.

The World Health Organization defines mental health as “a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community”. With globally one third of consumers that are not satisfied with their mental well-being[1] it is indeed quite concerning and worth talking about. Read more

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), stress is a common health issue across the globe. In the last two years, this health concern has been exacerbated as people worldwide are struggling to cope with the disruptions that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused, and half of people state they experience stress most of the time or all the time. Read more
Several scientific studies have been conducted using an approach to modify the nutrition of subjects to evaluate the association between diet, the gut microbiome and mental health. These studies have linked psychiatric disorders such as depression to changes in the microbiome of the gastrointestinal tract, making probiotics a supportive solution for targeting mental well-being. Probiotics have shown the ability to improve behavior, mood, anxiety, stress, and improve depression-like symptoms (Liu 2019Del Toro-Barbosa 2020Tremblay 2021). Read more

