你知道吗? 人体70% 的免疫系统位于肠道。继消化健康和整体健康后,天然免疫已成为消费者选择益生菌的第三大理由。科学研究已证实,益生菌能够支持人体天然免疫力的提升。拉曼人类营养已建立相关的创新科研项目,包括预临床和临床研究,以评估益生菌对全家人免疫力的影响。研究结果验证了拉曼一系列特定菌株能够支持天然免疫和调节免疫反应,独特的益生菌配方Probiokid®以其显著的功效脱颖而出,得到了28 项已发表的儿科临床研究的支持,能够守护儿童健康,促进免疫成熟。益生菌菌株 Lafti® L10 ,通过临床研究证实,能够有效增强运动员和学生的天然免疫。另一款拉曼明星菌株Rosell®-71,其功效在两项大型临床研究中得到验证,其中一项针对年轻人的临床研究证实 Rosell®-71 能够促进免疫力和健康状态;而另一项针对婴儿的研究证实Rosell®-71能够增强婴儿的特有天然免疫。
我们为您提供的独一无二的益生菌解决方案,使用经过科学验证的Rosell®, Lafti®或Harmonium的益生菌菌株,以一系列兼容性健康成分做辅配,如维生素 B、维生素C、维生素D、锌、硒以及拉曼酵母成分Lalmin®,支持天然免疫。
- 凭借强大的科研实力和法规支持,Probiokid® 成功获得巴西卫生监管局 ANVISA 的批准,可应用于婴幼儿(3 至 36 个月大),这一成果进一步巩固了 拉曼人类营养在巴西市场的优势地位
September is here and it is time to go back to campus for many young adults. Sure, the perspective of seeing friends, learning new things, and moving one step forward towards the dream job sounds great. Though for some students, the start of a new semester is inherently stressful, with the excessive pressures of combining underpaid work and finding time for studying. Debts accumulating. Managing workload. Meeting deadlines. Taking tests. Sleepless nights. Nightmares! In the US, 87% of Gen-Z adults (18-24 years old) in college report their education is a significant source of stress. 82% said uncertainty about the 2020-2021 school year caused them stress. 67% said the coronavirus pandemic makes planning for their future feel impossible. (Source: American Psychology Association: Stress in America™ 2020, 3409 American Adults). Read more
The Tokyo Olympic Games have been officially kicked off and we thought it was a timely opportunity to tell you four recognized ways how probiotics participate to sport performance. Read more