

口腔中蕴藏着丰富而复杂的微生物群,每一毫升人类唾液中约有 1 亿个细菌,这是每个人独有的生态体系。在正常情况下,通过正确的口腔卫生习惯,口腔微生物群得以保持平衡,成为抵御条件性致病菌的天然防御系统。


Oralis SB 是结合了三种益生菌(瑞士乳杆菌 Rosell®-52、鼠李糖乳酪杆菌 Rosell®-11、长双歧杆菌长亚种 Rosell®-175)和一种酵母益生菌(布拉迪酵母益生菌S. boulardii CNCM I-1079)的独特组合。经过13项针对儿童和成年人的临床研究验证,其中3项关于控制变形链球菌数量增长和对维护牙齿健康的临床研究,8项关于牙龈健康和牙菌斑形成的临床研究,1项关于完成头颈部癌症治疗患者的口腔健康的临床研究,1项关于维持健康的唾液 pH 值的临床研究,以及关于作用机理的体外文献。这种益生菌组合是全球范围内在维护口腔健康方面研究最充分的配方之一。研究表明,与含洗必泰或氟化钠的广谱漱口水相比,Oralis SB益生菌配方具有相似甚至优于漱口水的效果。

基于之前在口腔健康方面取得的重要成果,拉曼对 Oralis 的三种益生菌菌株进行了进一步的研究,以了解它们单独或结合使用对保持健康口气方面的功效。体外研究表明,Oralis 对口腔中的条件性致病菌有竞争作用。此外,体外研究还评估了 Oralis 对牙龈脓疱疮杆菌和牙结石杆菌产生的臭味气体的抑制作用。

作为益生菌配方专家,我们致力于为您提供独特的口腔健康解决方案。您可以从我们的兼容性配料列表中选择钙、镁、维生素 C 或维生素D 等成分,通过额外的声称进一步增强口腔健康的定位。我们提供多种剂型选择,如室温下稳定的咀嚼片、可食用漱口水的条包粉剂、以及基于木糖醇的口腔分散剂,配以天然可口的口味,此外,我们还推出了新型含片,其具有缓慢融化的特性和清新微甜的味道,可在口腔中留下愉悦的感觉。最近一项关于口臭的研究表明,含片为肠道和口腔健康带来了更多的解决方案。


Oralis SB :

  • Oralis SB 获得新的加拿大健康声称,证实这种益生菌配方是传统漱口水的天然替代品。


  • Oralis目前推出了益生菌含片,为口腔健康带来了更多的解决方案。


Lallemand Health Solutions has gained new Canadian claims for its probiotic formula Oralis SB, one of the most documented probiotics for oral health.

These are additions to the previously approved claims by the Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD), the regulatory agency for natural health products in Canada, for ORALIS SB. These new claims confirm that Oralis SB formula: Read more 

Everyone is subject to unpleasant odors stemming from the oral cavity from time to time, especially after eating strongly odorous food like garlic or onions. In 85% of cases, the root cause of bad breath is due to the emission of malodorous gases from the mouth called volatile sulfur compounds. Lifestyle habits like smoking, drinking alcohol or dietary habits can also lead to halitosis, which affects 6% to 50% of the human population worldwide. Food debris in-between teeth or dental plaque, feed oral microorganisms, resulting in the production of these malodourous gases. Read more
On World Oral Health Day, we want to raise awareness on the importance of oral health, as it can contributes to maintenance of health and wellness but also to various health conditions. This article will embrace an important theme: how do the millions of bacteria in your mouth evolve from infancy to adulthood? Read more 
Oral health is is certainly more than just a pretty smile, it includes the promotion and maintenance of healthy teeth, gums, breath, and your entire mouth. 97% of US adult consumers value oral health, so basically everyone.  And 68% of US adults affirm having good oral health makes them confident in their daily life. Read more
The oral cavity harbors a rich and complex microflora, unique to everyone: one milliliter of human saliva contains approximately 100 million bacteria. The oral cavity is favorable for a variety of bacteria, where more than 700 species can be detected. Oral microflora evolves with age: at birth, the infant mouth is sterile but within hours is colonized with streptococci. With the appearance of first teeth, new niches are available for bacterial colonization, and new bacterial species colonize the surface of the dental enamel, forming dental plaque, while other anaerobic bacteria colonize gingival crevices. During puberty, changes in hormone levels alter oral microflora to transition to an adult oral flora. The oral microflora becomes more and more diverse over time until it reaches an equilibrium and remains stable, although some external factors can alter this balance. Read more

