Dedicated Probiotics. Beauty from Within
Preventive skin care routine and paying attention to any skin changes are accessible ways to promote overall health. An increasing number of consumers are concerned about their skin, hair and nails appearance, as they may be a reflection of their lifestyle, overall health and what is happening inside their bodies. The relation between the gut microbiome and skin health has been studied in an extensive number of clinical studies, demonstrating the link between the gut-brain and skin. Probiotics’ properties and modes of action have emerged as a solution of choice for skincare. This holistic approach to skin health was tested in a clinical trial over an 8-week Cerebiome® oral supplementation resulted in significant reduction of perceived stress levels in four weeks only, significant improvement of wrinkles and fine lines, skin tone, skin firmness and elasticity.
We have developed skin health formulas supported by beauty claims such as “Contribute to improve the skin firmness, and fine texture and appearance.” Our specific strain selection dedicated to skin health can be combined with ingredients to formulate enriched skin health solutions.