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What Can Probiotics Do for Super Women and Marathon Moms?
My name is Elodie Aragon, and I specialize in bioengineering and in health and biotechnology management. I am a product manager at Lallemand Health Solutions and am responsible for the women’s health and nutricosmetics portfolio. My focus is on the development of probiotic formulations, and sourcing of innovative ingredients to promote holistic health.
Women seek support for gastrointestinal comfort
I agree that gut comfort is of general interest, and a specific concern for many women. Depending on their age and lifestyle, women have their own needs, and these could be addressed with probiotics. It’s a known fact that more women than men seek support for their gastrointestinal and digestive comfort; this can be linked to normal anatomical and hormonal specificities in women. For example, high progesterone levels pre-menstruation, have been linked to slower gut mobility and commonly results in constipation before, and diarrhea during menstruation. The benefits of probiotics to support gut health are well established. Many studies have shown the benefits of specific probiotic strains and associations with digestive comfort and during the menstrual cycle.
Women turn to probiotics for vaginal flora balance
In addition to gut comfort, women are turning to probiotics, specifically Lactobacilli, as they have a positive effect on endogenous microflora and can support vaginal flora balance and promote comfort during times of occasional vaginal imbalance caused by changes in the number of certain types of microorganisms in the environment. Specific probiotics are gaining attention as they are options sourced from nature to help maintain vaginal and urinary tract health, contributing to general quality of life. Probiotics for women’s health is a considerable opportunity to expand brand portfolios with a potential
target audience of over 1.4 billion women.
2023 will give way to further innovations for women’s health
Further clinical studies investigating women’s health are in the pipeline. In 2023 we should have the results of clinical trials conducted on healthy postmenopausal women, menopause-related symptoms, vaginal health and bone health. Probiotics have already been proven beneficial for pregnant women, and clinical trials are taking place to study their effects on healthy pregnant women in their last trimester
and the effects on their newborn babies. Without spoiling research innovation, let’s just say we should hear about the results of a study on an innovative women’s health matter in the near future. All this to say that women’s health is an important topic. Whether we call them super women, or marathon moms, modern women are always on the run, trying to balance their private and professional lives while
taking care of their health and bodies. Probiotics are an additional tactic they can use in this endeavor
Published Jan 16, 2023 | Updated Jun 6, 2024