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Probiotics Bring Good News for TeensOver 80% of pre-teens and teens reported skin imperfections. Acne vulgaris is amongst most common skin imperfection in adolescence, and is caused by the clogged sebaceous gland, which produces an oily substance called sebum. An overproduction of sebum normal during puberty can […]
Nov 1, 2021
How could probiotics help stressed students boost their immune system?September is here and it is time to go back to campus for many young adults. Sure, the perspective of seeing friends, learning new things, and moving one step forward towards the dream job sounds great. Though for some students, […]
Oct 4, 2021
Probiotic Yeast: How Does It Work?Saccharomyces boulardii is one of the most popular probiotic yeast on the market today. The popularity of S. boulardii is attributable to its proven effectiveness especially for people seeking digestive support, but this is not the only reason. Since it […]
Aug 25, 2021
Are probiotics a good source of antioxidant for elite athletes?Article 3 of 4. As the Tokyo Olympic games are well underway, we offer you a series of articles based on the four demonstrated modes of action probiotics can play for athletes to optimize their wellbeing [Jäger 2019], as recognized […]
Jul 30, 2021
How can probiotics decrease occasional stress of athletes through the brain-gut axisArticle 4 of 4. As the Tokyo Olympic games comes to an end, so is our series of articles based on the four demonstrated modes of action probiotics can play for athletes to optimize their wellbeing [Jäger 2019], as recognized by […]
Jul 30, 2021
How can probiotics support gastrointestinal functions in elite athletes?Article 2 of 4. While the Tokyo Olympic games are ongoing, we offer you a series of articles based on the four demonstrated modes of action probiotics can play for athletes to optimize their wellbeing [Jäger 2019], as recognized by […]
Jul 29, 2021
How probiotics boost natural defenses in elite athletes?Article 1 of 4. The Tokyo Olympic Games have been officially kicked off and we thought it was a timely opportunity to tell you four recognized ways how probiotics participate to sport performance. Four reasons to add probiotics to your […]
Jul 28, 2021