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NewsIntroducing CEREBIOME®: Pioneering psychobiotic. Game-changing science.Lallemand Health Solutions launches the brand CEREBIOME® (previously known as Probio’Stick®), a new name for an existing formula combining: Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell®-52 and Bifidobacterium longum Rosell®-175. As pioneer and expert in research on the brain-gut axis, Lallemand Health Solutions launches […]
Jun 17, 2020
NewsChina health authorities’ acknowledge L. helveticus Rosell®-52, B. infantis Rosell®-33 and B. bifidum Rosell®-71 for safe use in infant formulaLallemand Health Solutions’ three probiotic strains L. helveticus Rosell®-52 (R0052), B. infantis Rosell®-33 (R0033) and B. bifidum Rosell®-71 (R0071), have now completed the approval process by the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China for use in infant […]
Jun 8, 2020
NewsThe Lallemand group on track for finding a COVID-19 vaccineThe Lallemand group, in partnership with Biotechnologies Ulysse and Bio-K Plus, all Canadian companies, are joining forces to develop a vaccine against the COVID-19 pandemic. In a news report by journalist Frédéric Arnould broadcasted on Canadian national television last week, […]
May 11, 2020
NewsLallemand group is donating 3,200 personal protective masksThe Lallemand group is donating 3,200 surgical and N95 masks to local health authorities in the Montreal (Canada) and Cantal (France) regions, where its plants for the production of probiotics and specialty food cultures are located. “To get through the […]
Mar 30, 2020
NewsCOVID-19: Lallemand Health Solutions has a continuity plan in placeWith the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, Lallemand Health Solutions (LHS) further deployed additional measures to its initial contingency plan, to ensure employees and operations safety, as well as business continuity. “In these times of adversity, it is our duty to […]
Mar 17, 2020
NewsB. lactis Lafti® B94 is now GRASOne of Lallemand Health Solution’s documented strains, Bifidobacterium lactis Lafti® B94 has recently received a No Questions Letter (NQL) regarding the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) notification from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), meaning it is recognized […]
Mar 11, 2020
NewsJoin in for Dr. Thomas Tompkins presentation at PharmabioticsDr. Thomas Tompkins, Research Director at the Rosell Institute for Microbiome and Probiotics, by Lallemand will present the “Impact of a psychobiotic composition on mood, behavior and the gut-brain axis: What have we learned from 15 years of clinical intervention?” […]
Mar 5, 2020
NewsNEW DATES TO BE CONFIRMED for Natural Products Expo West 2020 in Anaheim, CaliforniaAs communicated by New Hope Network, Natural Products Expo West 2020 has been officially postponed Lallemand Health Solutions (LHS) will attend the world’s largest natural, organic and healthy products trade show “Natural Products Expo West” (NPEW) in Anaheim, California […]
Feb 27, 2020
NewsTHE FIRST PROBIOTICS FOR THE BRAIN-GUT AXIS IN KOREAMedibiolab, located in Seoul, South Korea, in partnership with Lallemand Health Solutions, are launching a unique formulation of probiotics for the brain-gut axis that will be available for the first time in history to the Korean market from March 2020. […]
Feb 18, 2020
NewsEXCITING CLINICAL WORK ON THE EFFECTS OF PROBIOTICS ON DEPRESSION Ms. Caroline Wallace, a PhD candidate in Clinical Neuroscience at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada, will be presenting her work and study at the upcoming meeting of the Sociedad Espanola de Microbiota, Probioticos Y Prebioticos (SEPYP) taking place in […]
Feb 7, 2020