Probiotics For Natural Defenses


Probiotics to Help Keep Your Family Healthy

Did you know that 70% of the immune system is in the gut? Natural defenses represent the third reason for consumers to buy probiotics after digestive health and overall health. Probiotics efficacy has been proven to support the body’s natural defenses. Lallemand Health Solutions has established an innovative scientific program, including preclinical and clinical studies to evaluate the effects of probiotics dedicated to immunity for the whole family.

Research results validate a selection of specific strains proven to support natural defenses and to modulate the immune response, starting with Probiokid®, a unique synbiotic formula backed by 28 published clinical studies in pediatric population to support a healthy and timely immune maturation. Probiotic strain Lafti® L10 has been clinically studied in support of athletes’ and students’ natural defenses. Rosell®-71 is another starship strain, studied in two large clinical studies, one on young adults where Rosell®-71 was shown to promote immunity and healthy state and one where it has shown to supports babies’ specific natural defenses.

We can create your unique probiotic solution to support natural defenses using scientifically substantiated Rosell®, Lafti® or Harmonium probiotic strains, paired with a selection of compatible health ingredients such as vitamins B, C, D, Zinc, Selenium and Lallemand’s yeast-based ingredients, Lalmin®.

Latest news


  • Strong regulatory and scientific assets led Probiokid® to be approved by the Brazilian Health Authorities, ANVISA for use in infants and children (from 3-to-36-month-old), reinforcing Lallemand Health Solutions privileged position on the Brazilian market

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