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More Healthy Days

In a large clinical study conducted at the University of Florida [Langkamp-Henken 2015] in healthy, but stressed students, B. bifidum Rosell®-71 has demonstrated to:

• Increase the proportion of healthy days
• Reduce the percentage of participants reporting more than one day of cold/flu-like symptoms
• Reduce the number of episodes
• Reduce the average duration of episodes by approximately half a day

Decreased self-reported occasional stress

In a secondary analysis from this study [Culpepper 2016], B. bifidum Rosell®-71:
• Had a positive effect on self-reported occasional stress scores
• Reduced occasional stressed-induced diarrhea symptoms
• Diminished the effect of occasional stress on lack of sleep: at fewer hours of sleep, participants reported lower stress levels

An ally for baby-specific microflora

B. bifidum Rosell®-71 is also suitable for babies. It has been studied, as a single strain, in healthy babies [De Andres, 2018] and showed a good safety and efficacy in this specific age category by maintaining a baby-specific microbiome profile during the first year of life. In addition, B. bifidum Rosell®-71 is also able to metabolize HMO, as shown in a in vitro model. B. bifidum Rosell®-71 is one the three strains included in Probiokid® formulation, compiling 28 clinical studies in infants and children. B. bifidum Rosell®-71 can be formulated in sachets and drops, and it can be also added in infant formulas. The strain is GRAS in the US for use in infant formulas from birth and is authorized for use in infant food in China.